The World Wide Web (www) has turned 30 years now. Its been 30 years now when Tim-Berners Lee proposed the concept of www. Now you cannot imagine how your life would have been without web. It has become a necessity.

For many people web and internet are the same things but they bout are separate things. Internet is the infrastructure upon which web runs alongside cloud service, messaging, video calling and many more.

Thirty years have brought lot of changes in web. It has changed 90% from what it was 30 years back. So lets take look at some of the significant events that helped web to become what it is today.

1. March 1989

Tim-Berners Lee wrote a letter to CERN (European organisation for Nuclear Research) for proposal of World Wide Web. The proposal was to allow sharing and updating information between researchers working at CERN.

2. 1990

The first web server and website goes live hosted on Tim-Berners Lee computer. It described basic feature of web and how it could be used.

3. August 1991

The first web browser WorldWideWeb (Later Renamed Nexus) is developed by Tim-Berners Lee for CERN.

4. October 1991

Linus Torvalds created Linux as a free operating system for web servers worldwide.

5. April 1993

CERN make it web technology available to public.

6. September 1993

The National Centre for Supercomputing Applications Mosaic browser for windows. It was first browser to display text and images together. Its availability on windows opened the web for people outside computer science.

7. March 1994

Yahoo goes online. It was directory of other websites organized in layer of subcategories.

8. October 1994

W3C (World Wide Web conference) was founded. It is official body for governing on internet.

9. March 1995

The WikiWikiWeb becomes the first wiki, a user editable website.

10. 1997 was launched as first social network. It lets user create profile and list friends.

11. September 1998

Google is founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

12. 1999

Alibaba is founded by Jack Ma. Blogger is also launched. Blogger is also launched.

13. 2001

Mike Bergman uses term Deep Web to describe web content that is not indexed by search engines.

14. January 2001

Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger Launched Wikipedia.

15. March 2002

Friendster, one of the oldest social media goes live and attracts millions of users.

16. August 2003

Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis launched Skype.

17. February 2004

Facebook is launched as social network for students of Harvard.

18. April 2005

First YouTube video “Me at the zoo” is uploaded.

19. March 2006

Twitter is launched. First tweet “ just setting up my twttr”.

20. September 2006

Facebook open up to public.

21. June 2007

Apple brings full browsing experience to mobile for first time with launch of iPhone.

22. 2008

Bitcoin is launched.

23. July 2008

Google counts 1 trillion unique URL.

24. July 2008

Apple launches the App Store.

25. September 2008

Google launched Chrome browser.

26. April 2012

Facebook buys Instagram for $1 billion.

27. February 2014

Facebook buys WhatsApp for $19 billion.

28. February 2015

Vint Cerf “Father of the Internet” warns we are heading to digital Dark Age.

29. 2016

Mobile web browsing becomes more popular than desktop for the first time.

30. 2018

Over 40% activity on internet is fake.

31. March 2019

It is estimated that more than 4 billion people(60 % of world population) is now online.